Monday, July 14, 2008

The rest of the story...

Our last day in Iowa was a fun one with Grandma and Grandpa! We went to the Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium and ha d a great time.

Addie and the giant catfish!

Elias liked it a little more :)

2 words - easy baby. He fell asleep like this wherever we went!

Mom's turn, then Elias' turn!

One last outing with Papa.

So as we were getting ready to leave on Friday morning, Addie told Jenna "I want to stay here!" and then she told me goodbye! We sure did have a fun time in Iowa. Love you Grandma and Papa and Uncle Ben and Aunt Jenna and Elias and Baby Zach!


Mr. Roy said...

I like the pictures on your blog. Good job!

Jenna M said...

We love you too Addie...and Aunt Hil and Uncle Wayne! It was so fun to have you here. Addie, whenever you want to stay with us, come on up:)

Jeff Frazee said...

I'm trying to imagine what it sounds like when Addie says full sentences. I bet it sounds pretty great.
Dido on what "mykhonsa" says. Keep putting up all those pictures.