Sunday, April 13, 2008

You learn something new every day...

Or in Addie's case, sometimes lots of things every day. Here are a few things she has learned lately...

-how to go down her slide all by herself (it's only a foot high, but we're proud of her)
-how to say "Skype" when we turn on the computer
-how to remind us when she needs her medicine
-how to use a spoon (it usually involves her fingers putting food onto the spoon, but she's getting the idea)
-what is in a mug - "coffee!" (no tea parties for her, thanks Cyndi!)
-when it is appropriate to say "Bless you!" (she also says it to herself after sneezing)
-who is usually at the door when someone knocks - "Kara!!!"
-where Virginia's house is (our next door neighbor)
-when we are close to home (she knows it from 3 different directions and starts calling for the dogs blocks away!)
-where her belly button is
-how to say "pigtails" and point to them
-that you should always say thank you, even when the doctor made you cry
-who is the softy in the house ("Daaaannnn!" when she doesn't want to go to sleep :)
-how to praise God ("Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy")
-how to make Daddy smile...just give him one of these!


the keith fam said...

Her smile is so big that she only has little slits for eyes :) Too Cute!
I miss you Addie girl!

The Glocks said...

don't you just love when they say "bless you" that's my favorite these days! anna kate even says it when someone burps!!! whata girl!!!