Friday, May 30, 2008

A few pictures

Here are a few pictures from our week.

I wonder where they went??

We got to watch our friend Aidyn one day this week and had a great time!

"Smile!" (She's trying to take a picture of herself with the camera)

"Grandma, can you hear me??" (notice the baseball hat, it's a Cubs had but I can't get her to wear it forward, just backwards. also notice the shirt, it's from Adelaide, Australia!)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Barney's funny!"

No, not the big purple dinosaur, we're talking about Deputy Barney Fife. Once in a while we have a special treat and watch an episode of the Andy Griffith Show while we are eating dinner. Here Addie got to sit in her nice chair and chat with Daddy about Barney!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Addie constantly amazes me with the new words and even sentences that she says. For example, this picture here. As soon as Wayne pulled out the camera, she says "Mile!" and gives us a great big smile!

She always tells us when she wants to eat - "Ungy!"
If Duke and Daisy start barking - "Push!" (I tell them to "hush")
When we go somewhere - "See ya"
Where is Daddy? - "Work"
When the dogs are in their pen - "'Em out!"
When I ask her to do something - "Ok mommy"
Why we go to Barnes and Noble - "Story time!"
When I need to wipe her nose - "Nasty"
And today in the car - "I drop my cars" (I couldn't believe it when the whole sentence came out!)

What a joy she is to us!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Officially a big girl...

She can now carry her own stuff!
P.S. Mommy had a breakfast date this morning, so Daddy dressed her. I thought all her NC State stuff was dirty, but he found some more!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

Like father like daughter...

Yes, it's "Andy Griffith!!!"